
What to put in care packages

Care packages can be used as an easy and practical tool to bless a homeless person. They can be seasonal or generic.  In a generic care package, ideas of things to include would be a new pair of socks, a bottle of water, granola bar, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer, and personal wipes.  Here are some…

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Why and how people become homeless

Becoming homeless and street dependent is not a “one size fits all” situation. There are many ways that this can happen in someone’s life.  Here are few reasons out of the many. Foster care. “In Travis County, 37% of homeless young adults between 16 and 24 years old were in the foster care system.” (Community…

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Aren’t they just going to spend it on drugs?

If you have ever lived in a big city or visited one, the chances of you seeing a homeless person asking for money at a red light are pretty big.  The big question is, what will they do with the money that they are given?   Will they spend it on alcohol and/or drugs? Maybe you…

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